St Paul of the New Testament of the Holy Bible did NOT support prudish sex-less eternal abstinence for those who absolutely needed and yet need TOTAL heterosexual fulfillment. Let's examine only the first few verses of his (and the Spirit's) First Corinthians chapter 7 words, with suggested questioning replies: 1 Now PERTAINING TO (not "concerning" nor even necessarily "regarding") the matters about which you wrote. It is well for a man not to touch a woman. RESPONSE: Can't even briefly shake her hand in friendly greeting? Cannot give her a quick glad-to-meet-you hug? Cannot fondle her clothed breasts or buttocks while so doing? Can't put my finger down to and on her clothed pussy in the process? How the hell does that convince her to let me righteously fuck her, and get gratification for myself from her? And she cannot flaunt her erotically-enticing mopheadedness, sleevesless naked arms, nude legs in shorts or shortened skirts, and socksless feet in sandals to cause me to suggest that we fuck each other? Besides, the heretically-mistranslated NIV says it is good to not marry nor get married. ANSWER: Never mind the NIV. It was edited by avowed lesbian Virginia Mollenkott. More is coming. Don't stop the car until the intersection traffic light turns yellow, or worse yet, red. IF you do, you will get severely honked at, and maybe even rammed into. It is not always grossly nor illegally obscene, to respectfully, slightly, and temporarily, contact a woman not your spouse according to general-accepted customs of the society you happen to be in, as long as your contact does not result in either you or her in ANY way getting erotically aroused without being married to each other. And you do NOT have to contact her germy or sticky or greasy hand. Simply flash a big smile. And it forms a crucial and vital basis for what Paul wrote next: 2 But because of the temptation to immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. RESPONSE: So sex within marriage, IF it ever happens, or happens enough during marriage, with needed variety such as cunnilingus and fellatio, is OK? Where's the command, or even at least suggestion or advice, to have sex, to strip and get fucking without being a frigid married prude? RESPONSE: More is coming. Don't stop the car until the intersection traffic light turns yellow, or worse yet, red. IF you do gradually or suddenly stop it, you will get severely honked at, violently passed, or maybe even rammed into. And it forms a crucial and vital basis for what Paul wrote next: 3 The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 For the wife does not rule over her own body, but the husband does; likewise the husband does not rule over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Do not refuse one another except perhaps by agreement for a while, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, lest Satan tempt you through lack of self-control. 9 IF if they cannot exercise self-control, they should (and then must) marry, because it is better to marry than to be aflame with lustfully-indecent-and-immoral passion. RESPONSE: So each spouse gets sexual gratification, and incentive for honorably fucking [with] each other, because of a sort of legal mandate to respond to whatever verbal or body-language signals and actions each does to and with each other - with sometimes the wife or concubine initiating it, sometimes the husband, or both at the same time? And, I get erotic gratification by gratifying her, as much as I can figure out how to do that - not so much as me trying to gratify myself by myself, insensitively and non-affectionately using her as a perhaps-eventually-disposable fucking object? ANSWER: Spot on.